in German Language

13.03.2024, 22.00, free admission!
Meta Morphosen – Ein Konzert mit Ovid
Schauspielhaus Graz
Concert with live visuals
60 minutes
An all-star band of mythical figures takes up residence in the Redoutensaal mixing ancient poetry with modern sound. The characters from Ovid's "Metamorphoses" appear in a sonic mashup. Calliope, muse of poetry, tells of the creation of the world. Arachne and the goddess Athena battle it out on the loom and DJ Phaeton raps to synth sounds about his daring journey in the chariot of the sun.
As part of Digithalia, the concert is accompanied by Graz-based video artist Leszek.
As part of Digithalia, the concert is accompanied by Graz-based video artist Leszek.
with Tim Breyvogel, Anna Klimovitskaya, Marielle Layher, Sarah Sophia Meyer, Luiza Monteiro
Live-Visuals: Leszek